Dedicated Teachers Who Believe in the Arts at Their Schools

This morning, at Moravia Park Elementary School, teachers gathered in a classroom during their lunch break to sit in on an Arts Integration Professional Development.  These tailored workshops are just one of the ways Partner Schools who participate in the Schools Program are supported throughout their journey to become a fully arts integrated school.

Vanessa Jackson demonstrates ways dance and movement can integrate with math and science concepts.

The sessions are lead by Vanessa Jackson, Arts Integration Coordinator who takes on an engaging and interactive approach to ensuring each teacher leaves with a thorough understanding of what arts integration is and ways they can apply those concepts in their own classrooms.  Every Partner School designates a teacher to be the school’s Arts Integration Coach, or AI Coach, who spends extra time in their days to coordinate between their school community and Arts Every Day, collaborates on arts funding plans, and helps other teachers implement arts integration in their classrooms.  As schools progress through the Schools Program, AI Coaches have opportunities to demonstrate their ability to lead discussions and hands-on activities during professional development throughout the school year.

Ms. Feld leads an exercise that challenged teachers to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts share at the professional development session.

Moravia Park’s AI Coach, Ms. Feld, ended today’s professional development with an exercise that got teachers thinking about their understanding of arts standards and how they can use them with their students.  This approach where teachers are given the chance to participate in the professional development helps build a sustainable foundation for the school to implement and continue developing once the school “graduates” from the Schools Program.

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