Kirwan Commission to Hold Public Hearing on November 29th

Kirwan Commission Arts Recommendations 

The Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education, also known as the “Kirwan Commission” is expected to release their final recommendations by the end of the 2018. In solidarity with our statewide partner, Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance we urge the “Kirwan” Commission to:

  1.  Include arts education within the base adequate funding formula to enable districts to provide an in instructional program in Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Art as outlined in the Code of Maryland regulations (COMAR 13A.04.16);
  2.  Support base funding formula that enables districts to support a student to arts teacher ratio:
    ○  150-450: 1 per arts discipline at elementary school level;
    ○ 450-750: 1/1.5 per arts discipline;
    ○  750-900: 1.5/2 per arts discipline at middle school level;
    ○ 1200-2000: 3/5 per arts discipline at high school level;
  3.  Align instructional systems to include standards, or curricular frameworks with embedded standards as stipulated in COMAR for core subjects. In Maryland,  a core academic subject is one where students receive core content credit which includes Fine Arts: dance, media arts, music, theatre and visual arts.

Kirwan Commission Public Hearing

Thursday, November 29, 2018

On November 29, members of the general public and representatives of statewide and local organizations have the chance to testify and deliver a public comment directly to the Commission about their preliminary recommendations at a public hearing. Please join Arts Every Day and advocates from across the state. Don’t forget to include the arts in your talking points!

Open to all Maryland residents who want to have an impact on shaping Maryland’s education funding formula!

Deliver your public comment directly to the “Kirwan” Commission” and tell them why it’s imperative their final recommendations represent full and equitable education funding in Maryland.

Thursday, November 29, 2018
3:00-5:00pm – Representatives of statewide or local organization testifying on behalf of the organization (in Room 120 House Office Building)
5:30-7:30pm – Members of the general public including those affiliated with organizations but not speaking on behalf of the organizations (in the Joint Hearing Room Legislative Services Building)

Annapolis, MD (see locations above)

The “Kirwan” Commission wants feedback on its recommendations.

      1. In-Person
To sign up for either time slot: By 12:00 noon on November 29, send an email to: PreK– or call Sarah Bice at (410) 946–5510/ (301)970–5510.

Sign-up sheets will also be available the day of the hearing.

Please provide the following information: (1) name and contact information and (2) if you are speaking on behalf of a group, please include the name of the group. It is not required, but if you want to submit written testimony, the Commission recommends bringing 60 copies.

     2. Written Testimony Only
If you are unable to come in person, or would prefer not to speak, you can submit written testimony. Please email your testimony to PreK– before November 29.

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