Partner School Teacher Spotlight: The Crossroads School

We truly appreciate our amazing Arts Integration (AI) Coaches at our Partner Schools who dedicate countless hours towards bringing arts enriched experiences into their schools.  This year, we are happy to bring in 11 new Baltimore City Public Schools to our program.  One of those new schools is The Crossroads School and their AI coach, Mrs. Hunt, shared a little about herself and why she’s passionate about art:


Last year, I had an 8th grade student tell me that prior to participating in the visual arts at our school, he didn’t realize it was something he enjoyed and was good at.


As part of the Schools Program, AI Coaches from each Partner School attend Professional Development that helps them implement and asses arts integration in their classrooms by coordinating with teachers, principals, cultural institutions, and teaching artists.  These teachers devote time during and outside of work to finding ways to help their schools effectively integrate the arts into their classrooms.  When asked how Mrs. Hunt got into teaching-


I decided when I was in first grade that I wanted to be an art teacher. It sounds crazy, but I even remember the moment it happened. I was coloring a St. Patrick’s day picture and my first grade teacher looked at it and said “I think you might be our next art teacher”. I thought it sounded like a fabulous idea and low and behold I’m currently in my 16th year of teaching art!


Mrs. Hunt teaches grades 6-8 at The Crossroads School.


        What makes you passionate about the arts?

       Art class, was, and still is for me a joyful place. Seeing my students faces light up when they create art brings so much happiness.








Stay tuned for our next Teacher Spotlight to learn more about our talented and amazing AI Coaches and how they are making a difference in students’ lives in Baltimore City Public Schools.  Interested in joining our Schools Program?

Visit BECOME A PARTNER SCHOOL to find out more!


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