Arts Every Day Schools Program Application is Open!

The goal of the Arts Every Day Schools Program is to support arts education, arts integration, and access to arts experiences across all grade levels. We work in close partnership with Baltimore City Public Schools, Maryland State Department of Education, and large network of museums, theaters, cultural institutions, and teaching artists. We invite all Baltimore City Public Schools to apply.
Please review all benefits and requirements of partnership before completing the online application link:

2017-18 partner schools will receive:

  • Individualized planning and in-school professional development to support arts integrated instruction
  • $5-$10 per student to support access to teaching artists and cultural institutions
  • Free registration for 1 representative to attend Maryland Centers for Creative Classrooms (July 10-13, 2017)
  • Opportunities for professional development throughout the school year hosted by a variety of artists, museums, and cultural organizations
  • Opportunities for FREE field trips and arts experiences – offered to partner schools exclusively
  • Opportunities to apply to ‘Impact Fund’ a competitive application to support large scale projects of up to $5,000

School Applicant Requirements: 

  • Schools must have at minimum, a .5 teacher certified and teaching one of the 5 art forms (visual art, music, theater, dance, media arts). Schools that do not have a certified arts teacher teaching art on staff are not eligible for partnership.
  • Principals must demonstrate support for the arts and arts integration by signing the application letter of support, participating in an interview, and including narrative examples of how the arts arts are a priority.
  • Arts Integration Coach: Each school must identify a lead teacher to serve as the Arts Integration Coach. This teacher will be expected to:
    • serve as the leader of arts integration in your school,
    • be the primary point of contact,
    • manage documentation, planning, implementation, and an online account for scheduling arts experiences funded by Arts Every Day
  • Applications are due April 21st, 2017

Apply HERE!

Download a PDF version of the application here. 

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