Provider Details
Provider: Spotlighters Theatre

Contact Details
817 Saint Paul Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Baltimore, MD 21202
Cultural Organization
Spotlighters Theatre offer the Young Actors Academy as a means to provide theatre/arts education and training for youth in K-12th grades across Baltimore community.
Classes are broken into age appropriate learning groups, and we strive to keep student to instructor low. Usually no more than 8-9 students for a single instructor. Most school programs will have 2 instructors.
We teach using a combination of Conservatory and Academic approaches. Students learn basic concepts and techniques, then through a series of scene study experiences, students are encouraged to explore application of these techniques to differing scene and character applications.
Classes are available is specific areas: General Shakespearean Overview, Specific Shakespearean works. Advanced Acting - Movement, Voice for the Actor, Stage Combat. Stage Craft: Set Design & Construction, Costume Design, Sourcing & Fabrication, Props & Resources.
Events and Programs Offered
There are no Events or Programs at present