Provider Details

Provider: Baltimore Clayworks

 5707 Smith Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21209
Primary Contact: Stephen-Bernard Callender

Cultural Organization

Baltimore Clayworks is a non-profit ceramic art center that exists to develop, sustain, and promote an artist-centered community that provides outstanding artistic, educational, and collaborative programs in ceramic arts.

Events and Programs Offered

Building BIG!

Students will stretch their capacity (and their muscles) in this hand-building course for teenage participants. Classes will lead young artists through conceiving, planning, and then building a large sculpture or vessel completely of their own design. Students will learn and practice clay care, developing a…
Program/Event Format: In School Workshop, After School/Weekend
Art Forms: Visual Art and Design

Clay After School

This is a 6-session afternoon class for ages 6 – 12. Students will work with their hands and discover the magical qualities of clay! They will explore texture, color and shape while building technical skills as they create a wide variety of wonderful creations. Each…
Program/Event Format: After School/Weekend
Art Forms: Visual Art and Design

Connected by Clay

This is a 6-week class for grades 6 – 12. Students will work with their hands and discover the magical qualities of clay! They will explore texture, color and shape while building technical skills as they create a wide variety of wonderful creations. Each class…
Program/Event Format: In School Residency, After School/Weekend
Art Forms: Visual Art and Design