Program / Event Details
Provider: Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

Contact Details
1212 Cathedral St
Baltimore, MD 21201
Baltimore, MD 21201
Primary Contact: Brian Prechtl
Philharmonia Fantastique: The Making of the Orchestra
Experience the building of the orchestra! The dazzling centerpiece of this program is Philharmonia Fantastique: a 25-minute concerto and animated film that follows a magical Sprite on a musical journey through the instruments of the orchestra. By the film’s end, the instrument families of the orchestra overcome their differences to demonstrate “unity from diversity”
in a spectacular finale.
Event/Program Details
2024-04-03 - 2024-04-04, 10, 11:30
Event Length:
50 minutes
1212 Cathedral St
Baltimore, MD 21201
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Core Curricula:
Library and Media, Social Studies, Science, Math, English/Language Arts
Art Forms:
Storytelling, Music, Digital Arts/Media, Visual Art and Design
Program/Event Format:
Field Trip - Performance
$7 per student
Student Supports:
Gifted / Advanced, Wheelchair Accessible
Discount for Title 1 Stipend schools:
Title I Schools attend for free, Baltimore City Title I schools may receive free busing