Program / Event Details

Provider: Bash the Trash Environmental Arts

11 Wilson Place
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
Primary Contact: John Bertles
In-person PD – Invented & Graphic Notation

Traditional music notation is a two-edged sword – it is a complex language that can be tedious to learn and hard to master – but you need it in order to get to the creative heart of music. Invented and graphic notation can help music educators shortcut to the fun while laying a foundation that works with the conventions of traditional music notation. Graphic notation of selected classical, jazz or other works can increase listening attention span as well as help students discover the underlying structures of music; while invented notation can be used to help students discover the challenges – and fun – of composing music.

Event/Program Details

Dates: 2016-07-01 - 2025-08-31
Event Length: 3 or 6 hours
Location: 11 Wilson Place Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
Audiences: Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Art Forms: Music
Program/Event Format: Professional Development
Cost: 1000 for 3 hr workshop, 1600 for 6 hr; travel expenses additional