Program / Event Details
Provider: Art. Play. Learn.

Contact Details
Laurel, MD 20708
“This Zoom-delivered workshop helps students identify their feelings and express them through placing watercolors intuitively on a paper body, allowing them to better manage feelings of stress and COVID PTSD. Students are guided in clearing the mind with breath work, then given a “body outline” template in which to do creative self-expression via a series of prompts. Upon completing the exercise, a brief discussion on any insights or thoughts that arise will be guided by the instructor. The value of using watercolor is that it has a spontaneous flow to it due to its’ semitransparent, glassy feel. It is an excellent medium for revealing the emotional state in the moment. Brief discussion of color therapy is included. Each session can accommodate 9 students at a time. Classes with more than 9 students should book the program to be delivered in cohorts of up to 9 students over several days or on the same day of the week over several weeks.
Materials provided: Body outline template, watercolor sets, paintbrushes
Optional additional materials provided by school/student: colored pencils, markers”