Program / Event Details

Provider: Art. Play. Learn.

9811 Mallard Drive, Suite 208
Laurel, MD 20708
Developing Emotional Capacity

Understanding about what we feel, developing greater comfort with the full range of our emotions, and learning healthy emotional boundaries helps to reduce the experience of overwhelm or stress. In this workshop, we will explore how to expand our emotional range and understand more fully our emotional landscape, which includes both comfortable and uncomfortable emotions within ourselves and others.
Activities include discussion regarding “Emotional Intelligence” (Goleman, 2006), practices for managing our emotional states, cultivating emotional boundaries, and learning to let go of fixing in favor of supporting our students. Techniques such as helping students identify their feelings of stress and distractions while providing a safe space and steady presence benefits both teacher and student. Appropriate for teachers of all grade levels and subjects, including Paraprofessionals and other staff.

Event/Program Details

Dates: 2023-08-21 - 2025-06-30
Event Length: 90 minutes
Location: Zoom
Audiences: Professional Development
Core Curricula: Math, English/Language Arts, Career and Technology Education, World and Classical Languages, Library and Media, Social Studies, Science
Art Forms: Visual Art and Design, Theater, Storytelling, Puppetry, Music, Dance and Movement, Digital Arts/Media, Creative Writing
Program/Event Format: Professional Development
Cost: $25/ student, 3 student minimum - 9 student maximum
Student Supports: Gifted / Advanced, Universal Design for Learning Compatible, Braille / Audio Reading, Assisted Listening, ASL Interpreted, Sensory Friendly, Wheelchair Accessible