Program / Event Details

Provider: Yard Dramas

Primary Contact: Jennifer Ridgway (
Colorful Emotions Workshop: Exploring Our Feelings in Dramatic Play

El Monstruo de Colores by Anna Llenas inspires a multi-session social-emotional investigation that uses drama and puppets. We develop an imaginary world and explore a particular problem, situation, or theme. Your classroom becomes a rehearsal hall, learning becomes personal, immediate, and active, and students become storytellers and agents of change.

Event/Program Details

Dates: 2024-08-01 - 2025-08-01
Event Length: 1 or more 20 to 30 minute session
Location: at school site
Audiences: PreK, Kindergarten, 1
Core Curricula: English/Language Arts
Art Forms: Theater, Storytelling, Puppetry, Creative Writing
Program/Event Format: In School Residency, In School Workshop
Cost: starting at fee
Student Supports: Sensory Friendly, ESL / ELL