Program / Event Details

Provider: Baltimore Museum of Industry

Contact Details

1415 Key Highway
Baltimore, MD 21230
Primary Contact: Meghan Mann
City Builders

What did Baltimore look like in 1896? Students help build a map of historic South Baltimore out of paper models and learn about its houses, workplaces, trains, and more. They learn where residents lived, worked, and shopped, and take home their creations.

Event/Program Details

Dates: 2024-09-18 - 2025-09-18
Event Length: 1 hour
Location: 1415 Key Highway Baltimore, MD 21230
Audiences: PreK, Kindergarten, 1, 2
Core Curricula: Social Studies, English/Language Arts
Art Forms: Visual Art and Design
Program/Event Format: In School Workshop, Field Trip, Field Trip - Cultural Organization
Cost: per student
Student Supports: Universal Design for Learning Compatible, Wheelchair Accessible
Discount for Title 1 Stipend schools: Discounts may be available - dependent on grant funding