Program / Event Details
Provider: Barbara Bernstein (Dance In Time Productions)

Contact Details
Team building exercises force people to work together and enhance the message that everyone adds value to a group, and that each person contributes and has inherent worth. Hence, a team building activity in which all members of a group (such as a class or school) must work together is useful for students or adults who do projects that involve cooperative work.
Bernstein runs team building exercises by teaching Cuban Salsa, a group form of Salsa dancing. In this dance, after every move, the leaders move to a new partner. If any leader does not move to a new partner, then he is holding onto someone who should become another leader’s partner. So the dance circle doesn’t flow as it should, and the whole circle is affected. Since it is more fun for everyone when the circle flows properly, there is a natural incentive for people to help each other. As a result, people tend to work together cooperatively for their mutual benefit.
This, then, is a way to draw an entire group into a web of interdependence which fosters mutual helpfulness. This program has been successfully used by students in schools and by adults in organizations or workplaces. In fact, it has been run at school faculty meetings, as well as with students. For more info, visit and Note that all of the Danceintime programs are flexible in cost and length. So to discuss options, contact Dr. Bernstein at 301/980/6043.