Program / Event Details

Provider: Arts for Learning Maryland

21 E North Avenue, 1st Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Primary Contact: Arts For Learning
TAHIRA – Literacy Out Loud

TAHIRA enthralls students with her tickle-your-funny-bone tales and delightful sing-along songs in her assembly (LOL) Literacy Out Loud. Delivered in her signature high-energy style, TAHIRA captivates young audiences with stories rooted in the oral tradition of the African Diaspora. The interactive program utilizes stories and songs to teach literacy skills, as students join in the performance through call-in-response and engaging Q&A woven into the fabric of the stories.

Event/Program Details

Event Length: 45-60 minutes
Location: 21 E North Avenue, 1st Floor Baltimore, MD 21202
Audiences: PreK, Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Core Curricula: Social Studies, English/Language Arts, Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Art Forms: Storytelling
Program/Event Format: In School Performance, After School/Weekend