2018-19 AED Professional Development Requirements
Arts Every Day supports creative teaching and learning by offering a range of professional development sessions for teachers each year. Sessions are designed to support teachers in acquiring best practices for integrating the arts into the curriculum and implementing innovative arts education practices into the classroom.
Achievement Unit Credit for Serving as Arts Integration Coach
Arts Every Day recognizes that the responsibilities of the Arts Integration Coach is quite demanding and sometimes challenging. Baltimore City teachers serving as the Arts Integration Coach for their school may receive (1) Achievement Unit Credit per year.
Required Professional Development for Arts Integration Coaches
Arts Integration coaches are required to attend the following professional development. Specific professional development dates and times are located on the AED calendar.
- Fall Orientation for Partnering Schools, The Motor House
- Mid-Year Meet Up for Partnering Schools, The Motor House
- Year End Celebration for Partnering Schools, The Motor House
In addition, Arts Integration Coaches (Stages 1 & 2 schools) are required to schedule one (1) school-based professional development offered to the school-wide staff or team.
- Select any 1 AED-Facilitated School-Based Professional Development Session offered to school-wide staff or team from the following menu:
Introduction to Arts Integration
In this session, the teacher will learn strategies for integrating the arts into the curriculum and understand the difference between arts as curriculum, arts enhanced curriculum, and arts-integrated curriculum as well as explore strategies for developing a basic arts integration lesson plan. Art making is an essential learning tool of the workshop.
Arts Integration: Science and Theater
In this session, the teacher will learn how to integrate a non-arts core subject standard with an arts-specific standard using a science-theater model. The goal of the workshop is to draw a parallel between the two academic subjects to enhance the student’s learning experience through arts integration. Art making is an essential learning tool of the workshop.
Arts Integration: Music and Social Studies
In this session, the teacher will learn how to integrate a non-arts core subject standard with an arts-specific standard using a music-social model. The goal of the workshop is to draw a parallel between the two academic subjects to enhance the student’s learning experience through arts integration. Art making is an essential learning tool of the workshop.
Building an Arts Integration Curriculum
In this session, the teacher will learn how to engage in a comprehensive step-by-step collaborative curriculum design process using core standards that reach across grade levels and content areas (i.e. Fine Arts Educator and Non-Arts Educator, Teaching Artist and Non-Arts Educators, Across Grade Level Team (Horizontal); and Across Content Area Team (Vertical). The goal of the workshop is to design and develop an arts integration curriculum. Art making is an essential learning tool of the workshop.
Mindful Practices in the Classroom
In this session, teachers will learn strategies for developing interpersonal mindfulness (i.e. observation, reflection, self-regulation, and compassion) that cultivate habits of resilience. Art making is an essential tool of the workshop.
Dance in Action: Literacy Through Movement Theatre
In this lesson, teachers will learn how to integrate character building into assigned reading and research projects using a basic choreography concepts and terminology. Art making is an essential learning tool of the workshop.
Moving Through Space: Dimensions of the Stage
In this lesson, teachers will learn simple techniques for integrating different mathematical concepts (lines, plane, solid shapes, direction, volume, and point) with everyday pedestrian movement. Art making is an essential learning tool of the workshop.
Maryland Centers for Creative Classrooms
Each partner school is required to send a representative to attend the Maryland Centers for Creative Classrooms (MC3) sponsored in collaboration with Maryland State Department of Education Fine Arts Office and Baltimore City Public School District.The intensive professional development training offers pathways for art faculty and non-arts faculty to immerse themselves in innovative arts education, arts integration, and leadership in the art methodologies/practices.
For more information, contact Vanessa L. Jackson at vanessa@artseveryday.org or 410-685-1172. Book your professional development at https://my.timetrade.com/book/Y8LYR