Arts Every Day’s Partners provide arts, cultural and/or arts integration experiences for students in Baltimore City Schools. The experiences can occur in spaces and institutions across the city or in schools. Partners’ programming should enrich and engage student learning while building connections between the classroom and the community. Partners may also provide programming for teachers, to help them develop and deepen teaching skills, specifically in and through the arts.
Teaching artists and arts or cultural organizations interested in becoming partners can create an online profile and program offerings in the Art Directory. Arts Every Day will approve profiles based on clarity and relevancy. After the profile is approved partners may upload an unlimited number of programs for students and teachers.
By being listed in the Art Directory, partners’ profile and programming is readily available to all City Schools teachers and schools. Additionally Arts Every Day’s partner schools exclusively book programming through the Directory.
All new partnerships must be approved by our Schools and Partnerships Manager so be sure to contact Carla Blackwell at or by calling 410-685-1172 to set up a conversation about next steps and getting your account activated.