BYAAC Council members Gabriella Caba and Carrie Snowden co-facilitated the District’s first youth led Priority Engagement Session on January 19th to expand youth participation and input in the discussions on spending for SY 2023 budget.
On January 25th, Council members Grey Dylan and J’Naya Harris gave public testimony to the School Board of Commissioners on the importance of high school budget guidance that supports college and career readiness opportunities. BYAAC members also submitted written testimonies that placed an emphasis on benefits of an arts education, and the need for access to sequential art courses beyond the one credit survey course required for graduation.Their presentation and written testimonies can be viewed publicly on the District’s YouTube site and BoardDocs respectively.
Gabriella Caba and Dinell Boyd amplified the voice of youth creatives during Maryland Arts Day on February 17th alongside hundreds of arts education advocates around the state to provide public testimony to the Baltimore City Delegates on the need for dedicated funding for the arts. They were also joined by youth from Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Art’s (BOPA) Youth Arts Council.
As a team, council members collaborated to submit a winning proposal to the 2022 Healing City Summit. The team will be hosting a session from 12:15 -1pm on March 2, 2022, entitled Creative Expression Through Color, to share the social and emotions benefits of the arts in our daily living.
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