Arts Every Day Receives $2.9 Million Grant Over 5 Years from the United States Department of Education

October 25, 2021 – Baltimore, MD – Arts Every Day has been awarded a $2.9 million federal grant through the US Department of Education’s Assistance for Arts Education program. The Baltimore Arts Integration Project (BAIP) is a collaboration between Arts Every Day and Dr. Mariale Hardiman, author of the Brain Targeted Teaching® Initiative and professor at The Johns Hopkins University. Using the Brain Targeted Teaching® model as a framework for instruction and evaluation, BAIP seeks to transform the teacher practice, classroom culture, and student success of Baltimore City Public Schools through systematic and accessible professional development for teachers in arts integration. 

The BAIP consists of three primary activities: 1) Training a team of resident teaching artist fellows and core subject teacher specialists as they co-develop arts integrated teacher training modules which are aligned to Baltimore City curriculum and based on the Brain Targeted Teaching® pedagogy; 2) Presenting at annual conferences, workshops, and ongoing professional learning communities for teachers to share best practices, collaborate across schools, and develop arts integrated model lessons and exemplars; and 3) Launching a virtual arts integration learning repository that makes available asynchronous training modules, lesson plans, exemplars, and evaluation tools for teachers across the district and beyond.

The BAIP will take place over the next 5 years, culminating in September 2026. Dr. Hardiman will serve as research partner and Hetrick Consulting will provide evaluation services. 

“After more than a decade of AED’s arts integration-focused partnerships with Baltimore school leaders, educators, and teaching artists, the Baltimore Arts Integration Project will bring together practicing artists and core subject curriculum specialists to develop training structured around recent developments in neuro-education,” says Julia Di Bussolo, Executive Director of Arts Every Day. “We are thrilled to continue this deeply collaborative work to ensure every Baltimore City student has the opportunity to learn in and through the arts.”

“I am honored to be part of a project that brings to teachers evidence-based practices from the learning sciences and arts-integrated pedagogy,” says Dr. Mariale Hardiman. “As a former principal in Baltimore City Schools and original board member of Arts Every Day, I am excited that my scholarship in the areas of neuroeducation and arts integration, the foundation of The Brain-Targeted Teaching® model, will contribute to holistic, creative, and engaging teaching and learning experiences for students. I congratulate Arts Every Day for receiving this important award and I look forward to our collaboration in bringing educational equity to all of Baltimore’s children through the transformative power of the arts.”

BAIP’s expected outcomes include building the capacity of BCPSS teachers to design and implement arts integrated lessons and school-wide projects while increasing the community of arts integration practitioners within the Baltimore City Public Schools teaching staff. We also expect to increase students’ demonstration of knowledge through artistic and creative practice, improve student engagement and educational performance, and contribute to the body of professional research linking the practice of arts integration to improved student outcomes. 

On September 30, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education awarded a total of $17 million to 27 grants representing 15 states through the Assistance for Arts Education (AAE) program. Arts Every Day is the only recipient in the State of Maryland. 

The AAE program promotes arts education for students through activities such as professional learning, development, dissemination of accessible instructional materials and arts-based programming, and community and national outreach activities that strengthen and expand partnerships among schools, local educational agencies, communities, and arts centers. 

About Arts Every Day

Founded in 2006, AED is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving student access to sequential arts instruction, arts integrated instruction, and arts and cultural partnerships in Baltimore City Public Schools. AED organizes and advocates for changes to district systems and policies to improve student access to certified fine arts teachers, partners with individual schools to support arts integration, and connects schools to Baltimore’s thriving arts and cultural community. Since its founding, AED has served as a strategic planning partner to the school district, provided hundreds of hours of high-quality professional development for teachers and school leaders, sustained long-term partnerships with schools and cultural organizations, and raised thousands of dollars to support artist residencies, field trips or arts experiences, and to purchase arts materials and equipment.

About Dr. Mariale Hardiman, Professor of Education and the Co-Founder/Director of The Johns Hopkins University’s Neuro-Education Initiative

Mariale Hardiman is professor and co-founder and director of Johns Hopkins’ Neuro-Education Initiative (NEI). The NEI has been recognized as an innovative cross-disciplinary program that provides educators with relevant research from the learning sciences through the Mind, Brain, and Teaching master’s and doctoral courses and professional development programs. Hardiman presents nationally and internationally on topics related to the intersection of research in the learning sciences with effective teaching strategies, including meaningful integration of the arts. She has significant clinical experience in educational leadership development and education for children with disabilities. 


CONTACT: Betty Gonzales: Arts Every Day
Phone: 410-685-1172

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