Rise Up for City Schools!


As teachers and students are just settling in to the school year routine, there are major discussions around education policy, funding and budget priorities on the local and state level. These next few months are critical – so stay tuned in, get involved, and consider a few of these steps for making your voice heard. 




2020-2021 Budget Priorities Baltimore City Public Schools 

Wednesday, October 16 at 5:30PM 

District Headquarters 200 E. North Ave, 1st Floor Board Room

The Baltimore City Public School Board of Commissioners will hold a forum to discuss the 2021-2022 Budget Priorities. Sign up for Public Comment should open between 4:30 and 5pm at the North Avenue entrance. For more information please visit the District’s website


Maryland’s Education Funding is CHANGING

Kirwan Commission Countdown – Make Your Voice HEARD!


The Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (chaired by Dr. William ‘Brit’ Kirwan) has been working since 2016 on a plan to radically improve Maryland’s public education system. You can read more fast facts about the Commission here, and you can read official Commission documents, including the Interim Report here. Arts Every Day stands with our statewide advocacy partner, Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance (AEMS) in urging the Commission to not overlook equitable access to arts education across the state. 


While we support the work of the Commission, we want to make sure that the Commission’s panel knows just how important arts education experiences are to cultivating the whole child. We need your help to let them know!


AEMS urges the commission to:

  • Include language in its foundation (base) funding formula that specifies funding for arts education in Maryland’s public schools and

  • explicitly list “music and the arts” in all places where core subjects are enumerated.

 How can you get involved?



Time is of the essence, so get involved today to make sure that Maryland’s children get the arts education they deserve in their schools!




Julia Di Bussolo

Executive Director, Arts Every Day

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