Art Teacher and Arts Every Day Arts Integration Coach Shannon Gibbs worked with 6th graders at Graceland Park O’Donnell Heights Elementary Middle School to use geometry as an art form to introduce mathematical concepts based on readings from another class. See what Mr. Gibbs has to say about the 6th grade project:
The purpose of this lesson was to use geometric shapes to create their gumdrop structures. Their structure had to support the weight of the book. They then had to elevate their learning and use specific measurements as well as teamwork to create a geodesic dome using the triangle as the design element.
This activity was a culmination of students learning about math concepts as well as artistic concepts in relation to Greek and Indian architecture found in illustrated versions of The Odyssey and Ramayana, respectively. Mrs. Coursey, facilitated students in a review of artistic terms and an analysis of images as a lesson opener and Mr. Gibbs facilitated the gumdrop and Geodesic Dome activity. Through this collaboration, students were able to to work together in a fun and creative way to demonstrate a better understanding of math skills they learned inspired by classroom reading materials!
Being a partner school in Arts Every Day’s Schools Program means students can enjoy learning through the arts. With professional development training, art teachers learn how to coordinate with ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science teachers to find new and innovative ways for their students to explore various concepts.
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