Arts Every Day teacher, Cindy Marcoline from Windsor Hills, was captivated by her one on one conversation with artist Stephen Towns while visiting his solo exhibit Take Me Away to the Stars at Galerie Myrtis. Stephen’s illustrative multi-layered paintings and quilts explore how violence is processed through escapism, religion and myth. Using Nat Turner’s historic slave rebellion,Take Me Away to the Stars provides an avenue to process the violence of American history, and provides a framework on how to navigate and articulate the anger and frustration that continues to exists throughout the nation today.
“Stephens work makes history come alive. I would love to share this with my students at Windsor Hills Elementary Middle School” exclaimed Cindy.
Arts Every Day plans to do just that—bring students from several City Schools to view Stephen’s solo show and make 10in. x 10in. portraits inspired by his work to be displayed at Motor House in January. Stephen will share his stories and approach to his work during their visit as well as offer insight into what it takes to be a successful artist.
Arts Every Day knows that that when our students have arts in their curricula and they are learning how history impacts their lives, they are better prepared to become our next inventors, entrepreneurs, social change agents, and culture shifters. That is why we have made it our mission to be the cultural connector that brings Baltimore’s thriving art community and its’ creative youth together. When students have the meaningful connections, they create a space to challenge themselves, learn from each other, and collaborate with artists in the field.
There is still time to participate and help bring student work into the spotlight. See the call for entry below for 10×10 Portraits curated by Stephen Towns.
Take Me Away to the Stars is on display until Feb. 18th, 2017 at Galerie Myrtis on 2224 North Charles Street.
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