Minecraft Self-Portraits at John Ruhrah are making it hip to be square!

By Kerry Dvornicky

Visual Arts Teacher and Arts Integration Coach, John Ruhrah Elementary Middle School

I have noticed that my students are very interested in “Minecraft” books.  I asked students what “Minecraft” is and they gave me incredibly detailed descriptions of a game where everything is made of blocks. I immediately saw a possible connection between student interests and an art project.

John Ruhrah Minecraft process 1 editsWhen I introduced the lesson and informed students that they would be creating a self-portrait inspired by “Minecraft” they actually cheered.  Students in 3rd and 4th grades created their self-portrait by measuring and cutting squares in different colors. This has helped students become more capable manipulating rulers and giving them the opportunity to practice measuring skills.

I plan to use the finished projects to practice calculating perimeter and area. 

Minecraft self portait 1

Ricardo C., Grade 3

I am very proud of my students for completing such a challenging project and I am thrilled to have discovered such an engaging lesson.  It is always rewarding when students are motivated to see projects to their completion.



My favorite part is that each self-portrait is so different and really reflects the personality of the student artist.

andrew mcgainey gr 4 john ruhrah

Andrew M., Grade 4

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